Monthly Archive 10 March 2021


Post an event to Graylog via powershell

GraylogMessage class -[string] $short-message;[string] $full-message
$Headers 'Content-Type' - 'application/json'; $Me
ssage : ::N[GraylogMessage]ew()$Me
ssage.short-message - 'Robocopy EMV VIX Pulse'$
Message.full-message :::[IO.File]ReadAllText ('C:-logs-robocopylogs.txt')

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -Method POST -Headers $Headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Message)

Unfortunately, it remains blocked as the line invoke-webrequest.

I’ll complete it when I get the answer…


Disk use with docker too high?

I find it more and more difficult to run my containers, after a few minutes or as soon as I launched all or part of my containers, he is not happy:

I thought maybe there was a lack of memory, so I increased:

and then he felt better


Graylog and event viewer of windows

Well, now that I have a nice service that centralizes my logs, I might as well add windows event viewer:

Download and install this on servers that need to return their logs:

Add a little confirguration:C:Program Files (x86)nxlog-confxlog.conf

<Extension gelf="">xm_gelf module</Extension>

<Input win>im_msvistalog module
	Query <QueryList><Query id="0"><Select path="Application">*</Select></Query></QueryList>Exec $Hostname - hostname();

<Input in_sys>im_msvistalog module
Query <QueryList><Query id="0"><Select path="System">*</Select></Query></QueryList>Exec $Hostname - hostname();

<Output graylog="">
om_tcp module
Port 12201
OutputType GELF_TCP

<Route graylog_route="">
Path win > graylog

<Route graylog_route="">
Path in_sys > graylog

It gives me an error message at the beginning: "WARNING Due to a limitation in the Windows EventLog subsystem, a query cannot contain more than 256 sources." that's why I had to add the

<QueryList><Query id="0"><Select path="Application">*</Select></Query></QueryList>

(thanks to


Graylog in docker and c #

Today I recreated a docker container with graylog:

docker run --name mongo -d mongo:4.2

docker run --name elasticsearch -e "" -e "discovery.type-single-node" -e "ES_JAVA_OPTS-Xms512m -Xmx512m" -d

docker run --name graylog4 --link mongo --link elasticsearch -p 9000:9000 -p 12201:12201 -p 1514:1514 -e GRAYLOG_HTTP_EXTERNAL_URI"" -d graylog/graylog:4.0

I added an input

Then I created a C-app with visual studio, added some nuggets

A little bit of code:

private void button3_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)
var configuration - new Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder ()
.AddJsonFile ("appsettings.json")
Logger logger - new Serilog.LoggerConfiguration
                        .ReadFrom.Configuration (configuration)

while (true)
            var line - "cuckoo";

Logger.Warning ("some warning: 'test'), line);
            Logger.Information ("some warning: 'test'), line);

And lo and behold, I added my first information in graylog

Not to mention the appsettings.json file